Our Team

Sidney Hanstein
Chair Person
Sidney Hanstein is the Managing Partner and Founder of Outsourcing Solutions. After graduating from high school in 1989, he began working for M-NET (Multi-Choice) as a customer service representative. Because M-Net was a new and dynamic business, it gave all young people who started at the time fantastic opportunities to grow. Sidney quickly rose through the ranks to become the first Supervisor in the Stores and Distribution department, shipping decoders all over Namibia. He established the Human Resources department at MultiChoice and later became the company’s first HR manager. The company was streamlined in 2002. He proposed outsourcing the HR department and all of its services, which at the time included payroll. Following the approval of his proposal, he established a new company called Practical Outsourcing Solutions. In 2002, Practical Outsourcing Solutions’ sole client was MultiChoice Namibia. M-Web Namibia soon followed as the second client. Since then, Practical Outsourcing Solutions has grown in terms of clients and services, and it is now firmly established in the private sector, with clients in the healthcare, mining, education, and information technology industries. Outsourcing Solutions also provides HR services to Telecommunication Service Providers, Wildlife and Nature Resorts, Energy Suppliers, and Non-profit organisations to Government Ministries like the Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Environment, as well as Parastatals like Air Namibia and NAC.
In 2019, he was nominated and elected to Team Namibia’s board of directors. As the current Chairperson of the Team Namibia Board, he have been invited to serve on the Technical Committee of Namibia’s National Quality Policy (NQP) as well as the National Standardisation Strategy Task Force (NSS-TF).
His membership in the Namibia Employers Association also provided him with the opportunity to be one of the Master Trainers for the International Labour Organization’s established Conventions C190 under the auspices of the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations, and Employment Creation.

Caylin Jansen
Marketing & Administration Liaison Officer
Ms Caylin Jansen has joined the Team Namibia office in the capacity of Marketing & Administration liaison officer as of 01 August 2022. Caylin brings to the Team valuable experience and knowledge gained in the disciplines of office administration, bookkeeping, marketing and customer service.

Gitta Paedzold
Board Member
Current Position at Company:
CEO: Hospitality Association of Namibia
Career History
Gitta Paetzold has for the past 25 years served the Hospitality Association of Namibia, a private sector tourism accommodation organisation, committed to optimising the full potential of the Namibian Hospitality Industry. In her role, Gitta actively aims to build partnerships locally, continental and internationally, in the strong belief that “tourism is everyone’s business.
Regular Congresses and Tourism Trade Fair Forum events arranged by HAN aim to develop and grow the Namibian tourism industry and ensure that the sector follows the trends of the international travel sector. As such, close involvement with arrangements of the Adventure World Travel Summit in 2013, the first of its kind in Africa, ensured that the diversity of the Namibian tourism industry was strengthened from wildlife & safari, to adventure and cultural tourism, making the journey an immersive experience.
With an academic background in political science and first work experience in the media as radio & television journalist, Gitta has always been keen to help “tell the African story”, to ensure that the old narrative of Africa as the “dark continent” is counteracted with beautiful facts of this continent’s natural beauty and uniqueness, as well as its wealth of cultural diversity, as this is what makes this continent so valuable.
Gitta strongly believes that key in developing tourism in Namibia and Africa, is to ensure that the local communities and the African people become actively engaged and responsible for the tourism product development, as the desire of the global traveller in the 21st century is not to do the “go there, do that and get the t-shirt/photo quick trip”, but to immerse themselves and experience a country and its people, tastes and sounds.

Patricia Hoeksema
Board Member
Current Position at Company: Managing Director: O&L BrandX
Career History: Currently heading the O&L Group’s Advertising Agency BrandX and being a member of the Group Leadership Team, Hoeksema has fulfilled various roles in the Group over the past 18 years, ranging from advertising and marketing to corporate relations and CSI. With a B.Econ from the University of Namibia, she also spent some time working for Government as well as Standard Bank Namibia before joining NBL as her entry point into the O&L Group from where she has excelled into various leadership positions.
Any involvement in past projects/campaigns and achievements: Hoeksema has earned recognition for bringing various parties together in service of a bigger purpose, and as such championed the establishment of the Self-Regulating Alcohol Industry Forum (SAIF), as well as the Recycle Namibia Forum (RNF) and has also been instrumental in shaping the New Team Namibia.

Jekonia Haufiku
Board Member
Position: General Manager of Standards and Acting General Manager of Certification Services
Company: Namibian Standards Institution
Qualifications and experience
- Master in Business Administration, B.Sc. in Fisheries, Diploma in Agriculture-crop production.
- 18 Years ofexperience in standards and conformity assessments. Currently overseeing the development of Namibian standards, standards training, WTO/TBT, standards publication, sales of standards and information on standards,certification services such as products and management systems
- Worked for Milling company as a Quality Assurance Manager, National Research Centre as Programme Officer,
- Registered Auditor Food Safety and Quality Auditor: Namibian Standards Institution (NSI) Certification Department.
Achievements and Interests:
- Established standards training unit at Namibian Standards Institution
- Developing National Standardization Strategy for Namibia
- Registered Auditor for ISO 9001:2015, ISO 22000 and FSSC 22000 Certification Scheme Documentation, Implementation and Auditing certificate
- ISO 17021:2006 Requirements for bodies providing audit and Certification ofmanagement systems
- ISO 14001- Certificate Cleaner Production (CP) Certificates i.e. Trainer ofTrainee and
- HACCP Practical Approach certificate
- Hygiene and Basic principles of HACCP
- Customer Complaint Handling Certificate
- Good Manufacturing Practices certificate