What is Country of Origin (COO)?
COO refers to the country of manufacture, production or growth where an article or product comes from. Country of origin is a way to differentiate the product from the competitors. Research shows that the country of origin has an impact on consumers’ quality perceptions of a product, as well as ultimately preference for and willingness to buy that product.

Rules of Origin
Rules of Origin are rules to determine the nationality of goods. Under SADC Trade Protocol, the rules of origin are necessary for an exported product to enjoy lower tariff rate or preferential tariff rate under the Free Trade Agreement (FTA).
There are three criteria for products to be deemed of SADC origin to which Namibia is party:

For more information,
Please contact the Ministry of Finance:
Alexia Hoveka
Chief Customs & Excise
Section: Rules of Origin
Tel: +264 61 2092752
E-mail: alexia.hoveka@mof.gov.na