Namibia Tourism Board
The Namibia Tourism Board (NTB) is the Namibia government agency responsible for bringing together both the private and public sector in implementing the national policy on tourism. Our mission is as follows: To market and develop tourism to and within Namibia that exceeds our visitors experience expectations, delivers value to stakeholders, improves the living standards and sustains the cultural values and way of life of our people, and enables broad base participation of Namibians in the tourism industry.
The NTB was established on April 2, 2001 with the following mandate:
• Promote Namibia’s tourism industry both internationally and locally.
• Ensure that services rendered and facilities provided to tourists comply with the prescribed standards.
• Register and grade accommodation establishments, and other tourism related businesses.
• Promote the training of persons engaged in the tourism industry.
• Promote the development of environmentally sustainable tourism by actively supporting the long-term conservation, maintenance and development of the natural resources base of Namibia.
• Provide advice and guidance to persons engaged in the tourism industry.
NTB has five offices located in Windhoek, Frankfurt, London, Johannesburg and Cape Town. The offices offer well-trained staff who are eager to assist potential visitors with general information about Namibia and produce an attractive travel itinerary.